The Terracotta Army of the First Emperor of China, Palast der Republik
The exhibit costs 8.50 and the promotion raises expectations beyond what can be expected. The whole army in the Palast der Republik turns out to be made out of detailed copies of the originals, so not a single original terracotta soldier can be seen. The whole exhibition therefor consists of nothing more than a reenactment of the construction, discovery and excavation of the Army. I am deceived and have thrown almost 10 Euro in the gutter, which I would have rather given to the homeless couple selling the street newspaper. It’s close to a public outrage that it was permitted to be promoted the way it is.
Started reading: Traudl Junge, Bis zur letzten Stunde, Hitlers Sekretärin erzählt ihr Leben (2002)
“Hitler selbst nahm Apfelschalentee, manchmal Kümmeltee, nie etwas anderes. Dazu aß er frisch gebacken Apfelkuchen, vielleichtt noch ein paar Kekse.”
Junge’s descriptions can hardly be found interesting for the more serious historian. Junge’s responsibilities never exceeded taking notes on notifications of damages and making travel arrangements.
I hate not to finish reading a book, one may ask around in my circle of friends, but Junge’s book is an absolute exception to my rule, that one may only judge a book by its whole construct. The publisher of Junge’s notices clearly labeled it as ‘a book that sells copies,’ and this is without a doubt what it did. The two line summary is too good to be true, despite the complete hollowness of the content.
Bought: Robert Musil, Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften (1930-1952)