- a Bluemix.net account
- a Github account
- Git on localhost, install Git
- your favorite code editor, e.g. Sublime 3,
- Setup
- Setup Details
- Add Watson AlchemyAPI
- Add Cloudant DB
- Login to Bluemix, in a separate tab login to Github,
- In Bluemix open Catalog->Boilerplates and create a ‘Node.js Cloudant DB Web Starter’ Boilerplate, named ‘<username>-nodejs-app1’, click CREATE
- Go to ‘Overview’, scroll down to ‘Continuous delivery’ and click ‘Enable’
- In the ‘Toolchain Settings’, change the name of the Toolchain to ‘<username>-nodejs-app1’, and click Create,
- If the Github THINK or CODE icon displays a configuration error, from the block’s dropdown icon in the topright, click the ‘Configure’ link to correct the configuration of your Github account,
- Go to your Github account and make sure that the repository for the new Bluemix app is created successfully,
- Copy the Git URL, on localhost open a commandline terminal, change to your development directory and clone the new repository,
cd ~/dev/src/bluemix
git clone https://github.com/remkohdev/remkohdev-nodejs-app1.git
cd remkohdev-nodejs-app1 - Open the project directory in your favorite editor,
- Open the ‘package.json’ file and change the ‘name’ property to ‘<username>-nodejs-app1’,
- From the commandline, in your project directory,
git status
git add .
commit -m "change package.json name property"